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L41 BIOL 2652: PEMRAP® I

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Associates Program: Experiences in Life Sciences

This class provides an unparalleled opportunity to work within a busy pediatric emergency department. Your role as a student and research associate places you on the front lines of clinical research and can give you an inside look into how advances in medicine are made. Step-by-step, patient-by-patient, you will gain experiences and learn skills that have the potential to shape your future career.

Note: PEMRAP/BIOL 2652 is not offered in the summer.

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Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Associates Program: Experiences in Life Sciences II

A continuation of PEMRAP I (BIOL 2652), returning RAs assist in training and mentoring incoming PEMRAP students, work approximately one four-hour shift/week in the ED and participate in the physician shadowing program as offered. Returning RAs are responsible for staying current with new study protocols by attending or viewing new study presentations for PEMRAP students.

There is no outside coursework and no exams.