PEMRAP® II: Guidelines and Expectations

The guiding focus of PEMRAP II/BIOL 2968,  is to continue the work of qualifying and enrolling patients in the SLCH Emergency Department begun in PEMRAP I, and to provide valuable learning opportunities through physician shadowing. See the PEMRAP II course details of the PEMRAP webpage for the complete list of requirements.

 PEMRAP II RAs are required to meet the following expectations: 

  • Ensure current TB results, HIPAA 101 refresher certificate (within one year), are on file with the PEMRAP Coordinator prior your first shift in the ED. Other Non-Appointee compliance documents are to be updated as needed. 
  • Schedule one to three Z shifts each week, for the first three weeks of the semester to assist with incoming student training (no exceptions) 
  • Keep the PEMRAP work station clean and the study information documents organized 
  • Following the Z-shift training period, PEMRAP II RAs are asked to schedule at least one 4-hour shift at the PEMRAP desk each week. Other arrangements require prior authorization. Students completing their hours in the summer months are required to be finished by the second week of fall classes. 
  • RAs are to maintain a record of their completed shift hours and notify the Coordinator of any discrepancy with the official tracking hours visible in Canvas Grades. 

The PEMRAP leadership team will endeavor to meet with PEMRAP II RAs as a group within the first few weeks of the semester. This meeting is mandatory either in person or via Zoom. 

It is vitally important that PEMRAP II students stay current with the active research projects in the emergency department as new studies are added or when there is a change in the protocol of an ongoing study. To this end, we ask the following:

  • RAs returning to the Program from a previous semester, or after summer break, please view current study videos and complete the quizzes (available on Canvas) before training another RA or entering a patient room. 
  • When a new study is introduced, or there is a change in protocol, all PEMRAP II RAs must either attend the new study lectures, or watch the video of the presentation and complete the quiz to demonstrate understanding. 
  • Leave your scrub top in the left-side locked cabinet at the end of the semester or when you have completed your shift hours.

New Shift Log Protocol

NOTICE: Failure to follow any of the following may result in completed shift hours being deducted from the total at the rate of 1 hour per occurrence:

  • Shifts are 4-hours long and are to be worked according to the time slot scheduled. 
  • Students clock in no more than 10 minutes late, and out no more than 5 minutes early 
  • Logs with a missing timestamp are invalid and will not be counted 
  • Upload shift logs to Canvas within the specified time frame. Do not combine shift logs 
  • The photo of the log is to be clean and cropped. JPG, PNG or PDF file types preferred 
  • Files are to be named Last name, _date of shift. For example: Baca_2.28.22 
  • Change or cancel shifts at least 24 hours in advance, and notify GroupMe

The PEMRAP II RA holds a position of leadership, therefore, a professional attitude and appearance is vital: in fulfilling training and mentoring responsibilities, when engaging patients/parents, while sitting at the desk reviewing the intake board, and when shadowing a physician.

People are watching, so make a good impression.